Opie was truly saddened this morning by the passing of this music legend. He said it was an honor and privilege to perform with him as a member of the Cleveland All Stars at the Topping Off Ceremony of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, OH in July of '94. This pic shows Bobbby giving Opie the nod for his sax solo. A good time was had by all.
They are truly rejoicing in Rock & Roll Heaven tonight!
OMG!!! we've been back almost 2 weeks and i'm STILL unpacking! it's been endless doctor appointments for Opie between his knee (a series of injections will follow shortly) and his feet (sadly they will require surgery) and our Coco had a laser declaw.
It's quite an amazing procedure... no pain... no blood... no downtime... and she seems so much happier now that her claws are gone. all she wants to do is pet and kiss everyone. she's the sweetest - most affectionate cat ever.
anyway, that's our very brief update... more to follow soon (hopefully)!
I'm convinced that Florida has healing powers!!!. As many of you know Opie and I had a nasty fall on The Cape in Oct. Both of us had lots of physical therapy with very little success until we came down here. I personally believe it's the daily swimming - coupled with lots of sunshine - walking - and really cool activities... like the vintage car show we went to in Englewood a few Friday's ago with our friend Mary who has a house there in winter but lives in the Berkshires the rest of the year. Then we gallery hopped and had dinner at her neighborhood Mexican Restaurant and it was like we were back in Mexico... it was THAT delicious! Opie took lots of pictures of the many unusual vintage cars - but this is my fav...
Sadly our time here is coming to an end, but i sincerely hope we continue to feel this good once we're back up North without our beloved swimming pool. Only time will tell!
Opie and I wish you all a very happy holiday season and a healthy and creative New Year. we've been visiting close friends who live on the Gulf Coast and surprisingly... we're loving it a little too much!
from Opie, Me, Abigail & Coco
The last 2 days have been very frustrating.
Try as I might, I could not upload photos to our blog.
After endless attempts and the process of elimination... the problem was my browser.
IE10 is NOT compatible with Typepad!
REPEAT - IE 10 is NOT compatible with Typepad
Who Knew!
Now that it's uninstalled and IE 9 is running...
Thanks to all for your emails and your help.
The photos of our "girls" was taken by our friend and neighbor Roman Iwasiwka, a most talented photographer and musician.
We all wish you a very Happy Easter...
... balance has once again been restored to my cyber universe!
i had this at my friend's loft during Superbowl Sunday. Opie had the guys over and the women enjoyed a lovely evening at Sarah's. this was so delish, i HAD to have the recipe!
Vegetable Pie
mix 3 eggs - 1 cup of milk - 1/3 cup flour (or 1 cup of leftover rice-- *i always use flour)
saute 3 cups of mixed vegetables of your choice - including onion
put vegetables in a pie crust (homemade or store-bought) then pour egg/milk mixture over them
grate cheddar cheese on top (i use different cheeses depending on what's on hand)
bake for 45 minutes - the first 10 at 400 degrees - then 350 degrees for the last 35
NOTE: since opie and i are not milk drinkers, i use almond milk instead - and i'm fairly certain any milk substitute would work just as well.
this has become a real favorite of ours. i hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
over the weekend we celebrated our friend Jan's big "60" at a loft in Holyoke. we had a blast. the music was fine - as was the food - and beer - and the wine.
we danced to the tunes of the Twisted Pee Pee Dogs. they sure know how to make a Play List!
Dean Nimmer (from 1960"s The Baroques fame) was on drums!
opie and dean enjoying the show...
we danced until we danced ourselves sore...
and like gluttons for punishment - we all danced some more...
and some more...
then we sat down - and relaxed - and talked with our friends - and we all agreed we must do this again!
they tried to escape - but escape was futile!
Our trip was fantastic. We first went to Boston to visit close friends – took a side trip to Salem - then went onto their place on the Cape – and finally back to their place in Boston. We OD’ed on great Seafood, Pizza, and Museums and – as they say - a good time was had by all! We took lots of pics. Too many for a single post – so we’ll start on the Cape cooking and eating our 3 lb. Lobsters… Yummo!
then the rest willingly followed...
yes... we ate the whole thing!
Gails’s house is on the water and a visual wonderland. Beauty, Peace and Tranquility all in one magical place… it did my soul good after the year from hell.
We first visited the Edward Gorey House which celebrates and preserves his life and works – it was a huge treat, especially for Opie, since pen and ink was – and is - his thing!
Then we went galley hopping in Chatham – had some of the best Pizza since we left New York, and stopped at an estate sale or two where I got 3 wonderful straw hats (I do love my hats). Our last venture was a day trip to PTown. We parked at the beginning of town and walked to the very end (seemed like miles); stopping in every shop and gallery along the way and seeing the work of wonderful artists we weren’t familiar with. It was heaven. We ended our day at a seafood restaurant where Opie had whole-belly fried clams for the first time. We had only had strips in the past… so these were different (albeit a bit creepy for me!) I’ll stick with my Calamari… thank you!
as you can see PTown is picture perfect and so was the weather...
a tiny shop along the way had a "mosaic garden"
it reminded me of the 'fiesta-ware garden" at the factory in west va.
so much charm - we LOVED it here...
not to mention water for miles!
On the walk back to the car, we stopped and had hand-dipped ice cream cones from Bliss Creamery. We had a vanilla/caramel combo with chocolate covered pretzels. All I can say is the Creamery was rightfully named.
Another post will follow soon about our time in Boston and Salem - but in the meantime – we wish you all a very Happy Halloween!
Opie and Linda O'Brien are mixed-media artists and authors, who enjoy pushing the envelope in myriad ways, using organic, recycled and found materials because they seem to have a voice that must be heard, a story that must be told, and a life that would otherwise be too soon forgotten. They consider themselves "caretakers of the mundane and the ordinary" and their unique offerings include jewelry, dada dolls, handmade and altered books, metal collage and assemblage, printmaking, encaustic, digital art and photography, iPad-ography, sketching, watercolor, original music and more.
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